They Write About Us

Meet the Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. George Besiris
George Besiris, is a Specialist Orthopedic Surgeon. His experience in private clinics and hospitals, and simultaneously co-operating with athletic clubs and organizations, led him to invent Orthopedia……
Endoscopic Micro – Disectomy
Endoscopic Micro – Discectomy is a is a minimally invasive procedure for removal of the intervertebral disc hernia.

Knee Arthroscopy
Knee Arthroscopy is one of the most common surgical procedures that require a small camera and special surgical tools.
Total Knee Arthroplasty (M.I.S.)
Total Knee Arthroplasty is a popular surgical method used to replace damaged and degenerated knee surfaces.

It was my first visit. He was friendly and he understood me.
George K.
Like the first time, the doctor examined me and gave me some tips, without being chatterer.
Andreas T.
Most of all, it helped me understand the problem that was bothering me, and I already feel much better.
Bill X.
Excellent professional..from the few that exist today! He listens carefully to his patient and gives solutions for immediate relief and repair of his problem! I highly recommend him !!!
Irene K.
Τι είναι οι αθλητικές κακώσεις; Οι αθλητικές κακώσεις είναι τραυματισμοί οι οποίοι προκαλούνται συνήθως από καταπόνηση, άμεση πρόσκρουση ή άσκηση…
Πόνος στα πόδια: τι μπορεί να κρύβει;
Ο πόνος στα πόδια είναι ένα σύμπτωμα με πολλές πιθανές αιτίες. Οι περισσότεροι πόνοι στα πόδια οφείλονται σε φθορά ή…
Τι είναι το σύνδρομο κοιλιακών προσαγωγών; Το σύνδρομο κοιλιακών προσαγωγών (που ονομάζεται επίσης κήλη αθλητή) είναι ένας τραυματισμός (συνήθως ρήξη)…